Do you feel like you can’t stop? 💨 Do you entertain thoughts about cocooning yourself in your cosy, warm bed for a day and not having to run the home or go to work? 🌹 Yet, you find yourself pushing through…

The body is very clever - if you’re not listening to it’s subtle messages when it desires to stop, it creates situations to force you to stop - drama, accidents, sickness etc. 💥 Perhaps you’ve heard of Ani DiFranco’s quote, ‘What doesn’t bend, breaks’. 🌱 Just like nature is continually moving through it’s different cycles, we do as well. Winter/ hibernation/rejuvenation is an invaluable part of this cycle. 💫 Surrendering to rest supports the natural flow and balance of life. 🌜🌏

A great way to support these spaces of slowing down is to create a regular home rhythm (rhythms are like a vortex) where you can stop, be, relax, veg out, lie in bed and chill (whatever it looks like for you). 💜☮

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A few suggestions may include: day dreaming in the bath, cup of tea out in the sun, sleeping in, pottering in the garden or reading a fiction book in bed. One of our rest rhythms in our home on the weekend is a ‘quiet rest’ in the afternoons for an hour or so on both days. My husband and I may have a snooze/read and Ethan (6yrs), our son loves to play with his Lego or draw pictures. 🌈🌟

In these spaces of stillness and quiet, be curious about the physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic benefits - eg soothes the nervous system, feelings of satisfaction/fulfillment, rejuvenation, more peace in the home or intuitive ideas dropping in. 🎈⚡💚

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,



How often do you look back and think about the ‘good old days’ when you were wild, free and had no responsibilities? 💃🎈🌟 How often do we assign that to our youth and resign ourselves to chores, roles and expectations? 😵🥴

One of the biggest patterns I’ve found that can create oppression in our lives is the belief that it isn’t okay to firstly and foremost choose to give affection to ourselves. 💜 We, so often look for validation from others for our sacrifice, our generosity, how ‘good’ we are, how much we’ve given or what a supportive partner we are.☮

The resentment can build and before long we can feel dominated by our partner, home, life or career. 💥 It’s so easy to blame these things for our lack of time and possibly we’re conditioned to! 💫 We’re so busy giving to so many things, that there isn’t always the space to discern what it is exactly that we desire. 💨To go deeper requires quiet reflection - and breaking through the veneer of expectations. If I let go of all of my expectations on who I should be for others, what does giving an abundance of affection to myself look like? 💚

One of my favourite quotes by Dr John Demartini is ‘Where you’re not empowered, you’ll be overpowered by people and things’. I invite you to explore where you could feel more empowered with giving yourself a life of affection, knowing this contributes to you showing up as the best version of yourself in your home and family. 🌹🎈 If it’s a lack of time that dominates you, then how do you create more space? If it’s busyness that dominates, how do you create slower and gentler rhythms? 🌊

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It may not always feel easy to choose ease; we’re so conditioned to hard or challenge or to make excuses for why we can’t give it to ourselves, but we live on a planet where there are infinite possibilities that are available to us all. 🌏❣⭐🌱

How can your life be an expression of all that you love and desire? 💚🌟

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,



Does it all feel too hard at times? 💪 Does it feel easier to give up rather than move through things that feel challenging? 💨

From my experience, if you can manage, address and heal the ‘hard, challenge’ on the inside (your emotions, drama’s, patterns, programs) then you’ll be able to meet those spaces on the outside. ☮ The home - your sacred space and safety net for your heart 💖 is a beautiful place to practice ‘being’ with those uncomfortable big emotional knots. Trust that you have the strength and patience to shift through them well.

It’s satisfying to know that in moving through the emotions, one step or day at a time, more space becomes available for love and the dreams in your heart. 🌈💕 The pathway to your heart, through the energetic field, becomes more easily accessible. Whatever, comes your way, you will know, without a doubt that you can move through anything well.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

It’s like when you go to the gym for an intense cardio workout! 💪 It’s going to hurt, your muscles will be pushed to the max, you may feel like vomiting, but the possibility exists, that in the same space, you can focus on the vibe of the background music, the feeling of moving your body and becoming fitter. 💃🏃‍♀️

Similarly, internal evolution can be equally as fulfilling as you notice that you become emotionally fitter with what once felt hard. It becomes easier, lighter or more manageable.

An example of this, through my own growth is believing that I can ‘do it all’ - which for me means maintaining all that I love through my rhythms. At the moment I’ve introduced two new big rhythms into my life. It’s taking a lot of internal strength and presence to maintain all of it. 🙏💖🙌 Ten years ago, if I had more than I felt I could handle or unexpectedly had more added onto my plate, I would’ve gone into overwhelm, cried, fallen apart, gotten sick or thrown my hands up in the air, declaring it all too hard. 💥

Ten years later, I’m in a completely different space, due to a lot of internal growth! ☺⭐ I’m curious about adding in my new rhythms - my intention is that it’s easy, effortless and fulfilling. I’m conscious with the thoughts that say ‘I’ve got so much to do’, ‘how am I going to get it all done’ or denial where I think ‘I might just lie and read on the couch today - it’s not a big deal if I let go of some of the rhythms for the day’. 😴

What is your ‘hard’ in the home that you would love to move through well? 💨🌊 Perhaps it’s consistency with one of the following rhythms: holding it together when your child is having a tantrum, evolving addictions, moving your body, taking time to rest and rejuvenate, investing in more support in your home so you can do more of what you love, giving to your mental health, kind thoughts towards your body or connecting peacefully with your partner. 🙏💫 You’ve so got this! 💨💪💜

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,




Fall in love, stay in love, BE in love! 😍

Don’t let excuses get in the way. YOU deserve to enjoy being in love EVERY DAY! 💖Clear the blocks and sabotages and create a life of love with you and your partner.


Silence➡ Opening up to each other

Blaming ➡Taking responsibility

Being Busy➡ Creating time

Drama➡ Creativity

Complaining➡ Encouraging

Chaos ➡ Stillness/peace

Insecurity ➡Trust

Weakness ➡ Confidence

The Women’s Wisdom® system can accurately identify what is triggering the ‘less’ and what action to take that will create the ‘more’! If you love the idea of love and togetherness, then it’s up to you to begin creating that. 💟

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Everything you are saying about your partner is what you are really saying about YOU. It’s confronting, but true. 🙏🌹

The only thing in the way of you and your partner being deeply and intimately in love, or even having a partner to be deeply in love ❤ with you is YOUR: conscious and sub-conscious beliefs, negative thoughts, unresolved emotional stresses, ancestral knots and old patterns and programs you are stuck in and grew up with.

The Women’s Wisdom® Tools and techniques will support you to clear these right to a cellular and energetic level. 💫You will learn to be able to use your body to accurately access and identify the negative beliefs, blocks and sabotages that have been in your way. Once you do this, you can then choose new thought patterns from a clean slate. 💨These new thought patterns then become your beliefs with your life beginning to reflect this. 🌈

For more information on the Women’s Wisdom® workshop on May, the 22nd and 23rd of May, please email me on: 🙏🙌

Sending you all so much love,



Do you find that your thoughts can be crazy, critical, negative and limiting some of the time, or even most of the time? 💥

It is so freeing to know THEY ARE NOT YOU! Once you begin to take responsibility and open up to them, pull them apart and understand them, you will be free from them once and for all. 🌹

Over the school holidays, I leaned into going away for 3 nights with my family. When Lyell and I had initially had the conversation about a holiday, my wisdom and heart desired to stay home and maintain my rhythms, however I found myself not saying anything. 🤐 I had stories that I was very boring desiring to stay home and that my son would think I wasn’t much fun! ⚡

Interestingly, whilst on holidays there were many challenges including me getting these huge knots in my hair after swimming in the salt water pool, 🌊😲, which culminated in a 3 hour visit to the hairdresser, as they attempted to unknot my hair and cut out the big chunks! 💥So best not to look too carefully when you see me next! 😅😂

I so wanted to blame Lyell for what felt like a hard and challenging holiday at times, rather than own that I wasn’t authentic with my stories/choice at the time! It was also an opportunity to see that the hard/challenge was a result of not freely and easily expressing my heart’s desire and opening up with my stories before booking the holiday. 💖 These things can feel sticky to untangle (quite literally in the case of my hair!), but offer so much clarity and self awareness. ☮ There’s always next time. 🌈💜

It takes a lot of strength 💪 in one’s inner being to hold space for the path of your heart, even if it means making a choice that could be different to others. ❤

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Where do you desire to hold more space for the path of your heart in your home? 🌈 What are some of your stories and what do you think is behind them?

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,
