
Emotionally Happy Homes®, Body Consciousness® and Women's Wisdom® are systems that have been developed and refined for over 20 years.  They are used to identify trapped beliefs in your body (through the use of muscle testing) that cause you to repeat situations, events and circumstances. This can then prevent you from living the life you only dare to dream of and from following what truly excites you.  These patterns can repeat over and over again, in different ways and continue until you identify the root cause of these beliefs. By exploring the original time where the negative belief was created and clearing the emotional issue, you will give yourself the choice to change your patterns and become more of YOU. 

Using the Emotionally Happy Homes® structure, Kirsten is able to clear physical, emotional, chemical, energetic and neurological issues that may be causing stress, illness or drama in your life. Transform the internal and your external world will reflect it. Appointments can be done in person, on the phone or via Skype.

Your body is constantly talking to you… learn how to listen to your heart and higher self.

Bookings or Inquiries


Phone: 0418 780 272

Appointments can be done via phone, Skype or Zoom

- Individual, couple or family appointments available.  


Emotional Stress Buster Session

55 Mins

Emotional Stress Buster Initial Session

90 Mins