

At the age of 23 years old, I was excited about my life and its direction! I was newly married, had just moved to a new town and had received my first teaching job. However, four months in I had a really bad case of the flu and didn’t recover!  I went from being an athletic, strong, empowered, capable woman to one who felt completely helpless with my situation.

I felt completely exhausted all of the time and every day was such a struggle. My back was totally against the wall. For eight years I tirelessly searched for a cure, for what was confirmed as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Within that time, I experienced deep depression, anxiety, Glandular fever, Ross River, shingles and was at my wit’s end.

A friend recommended that I see a woman, who practiced a modality that she created called Body Consciousness and Women’s Wisdom and that’s when my life transformed. I had tried western medicine and many alternative therapies without any success. However, within a short time, I had completely recovered from Chronic Fatigue thanks to the healing modalities.

I loved the systems so much so that I was trained in them and have now used the healing systems for 8 years to help hundreds of other people transform their lives!

I love to help individuals create results with the following:

·       Parental overwhelm

·       Relationship stress

·       Life direction

·       Health issues

·       Financial pressures


The place to start is in your home! This is the place where you can let go with the most amount of vulnerability and transform old and limiting belief systems into positive and uplifting ones. The result is then the creation of a home environment where everyone can:

·       Communicate without criticism and in a way, that promotes connection, authenticity and personal growth.

·       Listen without judgment, knowing that everyone has the ability to connect to their heart and higher self to find their own answers.

·       Evolve the parent/child relationship, where you can give your child freedom and support them to connect to their own spirit and creative gifts.

·       Feel deeply connected and supported in relationships/partnership, through seeing that all reactions are a call for help and not a personal attack.

·       Love oneself unconditionally, not judge oneself or each other and can completely be yourself no matter what!

·       Open up to your purpose and creativity where you have the ‘fire in the belly’ feeling!

·      Transform all emotional home stress in the day to day running’s of a home, into clarity and direction

When you can transform the internal, your external world can then magically transform!

I have helped hundred of clients create amazing results and reach their full potential in all areas of their life! More importantly, I live the concepts daily in our home and have created an emotionally happy home. Feel free to check out my testimonials. I look forward to helping you create a life that you love.

Sending you lots of love, joy and peace,
