/Happy New Year to you all! I'm back in clinic and back in your inbox sending you all big warm hugs. 😍
A close friend asked me the other day, 'What does your heart believe in?' and without hesitation, I answered, 'Love'. I have had the incredible gift of loving a man, my husband for 20 years now. 💖😍 However, it is a far cry from the idealised notion of love in film. The Bridgerton series got me good over the holidays - who doesn't fantacise on some level about living in an ostentatious castle, having every meal provided for you by your live in chef and only having one or two complications in their relationship? 🙌🌹💕
Most of us dream about experiencing romanticized love from a young age, but one thing I've definitely found in my relationship and through my work, is we can do a pretty great job at pushing it away. 🧨⚡ There are so many reactive behaviours we may partake in to prove we are unlovable, unworthy or not enough. 💕
Perhaps you may relate to some of the following. I think I've tried them all on at some point 😂:
* I'm always right and my partner is wrong, however underlying that may be a fear of 'feeling or being wrong'. 💨
* perfection - keeping everything together - there is no space for yourself or your partner's imperfections.
* holding the past against yourself or your partner, which validates your unworthiness. 💥
* defending and protecting against the fear of hurt. 'I'll never let anyone in again', so you protect by not being completely open and honest. 💫
At the core of it all is a feeling of 'not enough', so it can feel like a bottomless pit 🕳🕳 - never satisfied with the love we give or receive. So my loves, what if we saved all of that energy that is used to push others away and instead leaned into experiencing a greater and deeper capacity to love ourselves.
Here are a few of my self love practices that I engage in each day and feel free to share yours with me 💖:
*Morning pages - journaling 3 pages of affirmations, gratitude and what I desire to create (inspired by 'The Artist's Way' by Julia Cameron)
*I have my Vision chart in my room - I affirm all of my heart's dreams aloud as if they have already manifested.
*Affirm one of Louise Hay's affirmations (she has so many amazing ones): 'Deep at the centre of my being there is an infinite well of love. I now allow this love to flow to the surface - it fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my very being and radiates out from me in all directions and returns to me multiplied. The supply is endless'.
*One of Edith Eger's (author of The Gift - Auschwitz survivor) affirmations - eg 'Kirsten (insert your own name), you're one of a kind. You're beautiful. May you be more and more YOU every day'.
Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. 💚 Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 💕
Sending you all so much love,