Do you feel like you spend most of your time supporting and nurturing others which can often result in you feeling depleted, worn out and impatient? 🤔😴Your heart yearns for more - more presence, more space, more energy, more nurturing or more creativity. 🌊🌱

The time is here - the divine feminine is awakening! ❤ We all have male and female energy in us so this is a universal transformation that is available to us all. According to Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, an Andean Shaman medicine man our sacred Feminine is awakening and our sacred Masculine needs healing. 💫🙌


From my experience exploring the dance between our male and female energy begins in ourselves. 💃🕺💃 Where can we forgive our own male energy? Does it dominate, control, shut down or push your female energy? Is our female energy free to flow? Does it feel it can create a more peaceful and gentler life? Does it have a lot of space for rest/rejuvenation, stillness? 🌱🙏

One of the most common programs I witness in myself and others with our female energy is investing most of our life force into supporting our partners, children, birth family or work colleagues. 💨💫We become people’s support systems - which feels inherently natural for women as we were created in the mirror image of mother earth - able to give life, support life and nurture life. 🌱🌳

A need that we have perceived wasn’t met in ourselves as a child, becomes what we may over give to others. If we have experienced turbulence 💨 and uncertainty, we may then control external circumstances; 💥 if we feel we weren’t parented well, we may find ourselves parenting our family. If we experienced a lot of pain, we may become over protective; if we didn’t experience a lot of love, we may become attached and hold on tightly. ⚡

However, once we reclaim in ourselves the ability to meet our own needs and trust that everyone is universally supported and held, it not only sets us free, but everyone else as well. 🙌💚 What then becomes available for our sacred Feminine is an opportunity to let go of: settling and survival, to break through our glass ceiling of what is possible with giving to ourselves and a worthiness to ask and receive a lot more in our homes, families and lives. 💜☮

An example of this from our own home is when a few weeks ago our six year old son started waking up in the middle of the night, calling out and needing us to fall back to sleep. 😴 After ten nights of this, we sat with Ethan and gently explained that this was starting to have an impact. Just like Mother Earth loves and requires time for rest and rejuvenation so do we through a good night’s sleep. 🌳🌹🌱

We offered some suggestions that could support him – we could do awareness on him, he could book in with Jules for an appt, see a chiropractor or we were open to any other suggestions he may have. He said that he felt he could heal this in himself and he hasn’t woken in the middle of the night since. 💖 In the past, I would’ve let situations go on like this for a long time and felt I just had to ‘put up’ with it. 💨

Where can the feminine be honoured more in your home? 😍💚What needs to be forgiven or healed in your own male energy? ☮⚡

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,
