How often do you judge or berate yourself as a parent? 💫 Would you love to be more conscious, present and connected? 💕🙏 However, you find your conditioning takes over and before you know it you’re raising your voice, or insisting your child follow your rules? Practicing self love as a parent is so valuable. 🌈 It’s a space that requires so much presence on a daily basis - where you are asked to emotionally mature, grow up, be more present, consciously connect, give freedom and let go of attachments etc.

Before I had Ethan, I had ideals and dreams about how I would consciously parent. 👩‍👦 I loved reading Dr Shefali’s books, ‘The Awakened Family’ and ‘The Conscious Parent’. I particularly loved her message that ‘You are raising a spirit throbbing with its own signature’ and where children ‘discover, express their inner voice and practice the right to express their own spirit’. ⭐⚡ However, what I didn’t anticipate was how strongly conditioning, patterns and programs could take over! 💨 That’s where using the Women’s Wisdom® healing system to unlock subconscious programming has been invaluable! 💖(If you’d love to learn how to use the Women’s Wisdom® healing system, check out the workshop details below. ❤)

An example of this was a few weeks ago when our 6 year old son said excitedly, “Hey Mum, I would love to play footy more”. 🏈 His father loves rugby league and played competitively, so it shouldn’t have really come as a surprise. Yet I found myself stumbling over my words “Oh right… like you want to play rugby league for a club… rather than just backyard footy?” 🥴 My internal dialogue went something like this: Oh man the tackling can seem quite rough, the boys will be so much bigger, I hope he won’t get hurt, but I’ll wholeheartedly support him. Now don’t project your own fears onto him – you want him to totally trust what his heart is saying. 😍


Next thing, before I know it, I hear myself saying, “Have you thought about playing soccer? Like it could be … gentler”. 🤔 My internal dialogue went something like: Nooooooooooooooo what happened to not saying anything. 💥I’ve just projected my own fears/ insecurities onto him and made it about me!!

Understandably so, he begrudgingly said, “No Mum – I love footy!”

An Emotionally Happy Home tool® I use a lot is: ‘Is this who I want to be for ‘Ethan’ right now? It’s a great reminder to be present and consciously choose how you desire to show up for your loved ones. 💕 My conscious response was “Right let’s make it happen – I’ve got your back. Let’s get excited! Let’s explore the possibilities!” 🙌

How would you love to parent more consciously? Are there spaces where you can own your fears and give more freedom? 🌈🌱🌞

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,
