How often do you look back and think about the ‘good old days’ when you were wild, free and had no responsibilities? 💃🎈🌟 How often do we assign that to our youth and resign ourselves to chores, roles and expectations? 😵🥴

One of the biggest patterns I’ve found that can create oppression in our lives is the belief that it isn’t okay to firstly and foremost choose to give affection to ourselves. 💜 We, so often look for validation from others for our sacrifice, our generosity, how ‘good’ we are, how much we’ve given or what a supportive partner we are.☮

The resentment can build and before long we can feel dominated by our partner, home, life or career. 💥 It’s so easy to blame these things for our lack of time and possibly we’re conditioned to! 💫 We’re so busy giving to so many things, that there isn’t always the space to discern what it is exactly that we desire. 💨To go deeper requires quiet reflection - and breaking through the veneer of expectations. If I let go of all of my expectations on who I should be for others, what does giving an abundance of affection to myself look like? 💚

One of my favourite quotes by Dr John Demartini is ‘Where you’re not empowered, you’ll be overpowered by people and things’. I invite you to explore where you could feel more empowered with giving yourself a life of affection, knowing this contributes to you showing up as the best version of yourself in your home and family. 🌹🎈 If it’s a lack of time that dominates you, then how do you create more space? If it’s busyness that dominates, how do you create slower and gentler rhythms? 🌊

the magic happens right where you stand.jpeg

It may not always feel easy to choose ease; we’re so conditioned to hard or challenge or to make excuses for why we can’t give it to ourselves, but we live on a planet where there are infinite possibilities that are available to us all. 🌏❣⭐🌱

How can your life be an expression of all that you love and desire? 💚🌟

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,
