Do you feel like you can’t stop? 💨 Do you entertain thoughts about cocooning yourself in your cosy, warm bed for a day and not having to run the home or go to work? 🌹 Yet, you find yourself pushing through…

The body is very clever - if you’re not listening to it’s subtle messages when it desires to stop, it creates situations to force you to stop - drama, accidents, sickness etc. 💥 Perhaps you’ve heard of Ani DiFranco’s quote, ‘What doesn’t bend, breaks’. 🌱 Just like nature is continually moving through it’s different cycles, we do as well. Winter/ hibernation/rejuvenation is an invaluable part of this cycle. 💫 Surrendering to rest supports the natural flow and balance of life. 🌜🌏

A great way to support these spaces of slowing down is to create a regular home rhythm (rhythms are like a vortex) where you can stop, be, relax, veg out, lie in bed and chill (whatever it looks like for you). 💜☮

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A few suggestions may include: day dreaming in the bath, cup of tea out in the sun, sleeping in, pottering in the garden or reading a fiction book in bed. One of our rest rhythms in our home on the weekend is a ‘quiet rest’ in the afternoons for an hour or so on both days. My husband and I may have a snooze/read and Ethan (6yrs), our son loves to play with his Lego or draw pictures. 🌈🌟

In these spaces of stillness and quiet, be curious about the physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic benefits - eg soothes the nervous system, feelings of satisfaction/fulfillment, rejuvenation, more peace in the home or intuitive ideas dropping in. 🎈⚡💚

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,
