I was recently watching a Brene Brown clip where she spoke about how compassionate people are those who set clear boundaries (can say NO). I so resonated with this because I have always been a ‘yes’ person and would end up doing things I didn’t really want to do. I had a story that it would be selfish or unkind to say no and that if I was going to be seen as a generous person then I would, of course always give. I would then feel frustrated and resentful that I was spending my time giving to someone else, when I really wanted to give to myself. I really believe that the more we can operate from a space, where we can clearly say ‘No’ then we will find that when we do say ‘Yes’ it is from a place of love rather than obligation or a thought that the other person/people need us. To say ‘No’ also requires you to hold that belief that if you are unable to give/help them, they are supported and there would be many others who could be of service. One of the greatest gifts we can give family members is the belief that they can trust themselves to create the support they need and that there is a whole universe out there who can help/love/support/give to them. Sending you so much love and joy xx


Dreams are so, so, so important!! However, I know at times, I have used our son as an excuse not to follow my dreams. I've run a story that, 'he needs me' and all my energy must go toward giving to him. I know in my being that the greatest gift I can give him is to share my dreams and my creativity. To model what it looks like to create for myself and to feel passionate about my dreams!! To show him that he doesn't need me to create his dreams for him, that he is a powerful creator and has the support of the universe, not just his family. I know that life will support us if we are willing to let go of our expectations on how it 'should' support us. My greatest growth and learnings have been experienced through my past health challenges and they have, if anything created a greater determination to create my heart's deepest desires. I feel that joy is in the dreaming and freeing ourselves and our children from the expectation that they are responsible for our creations and we are responsible for theirs. Sending you heaps of joy and love xx