Dreams are so, so, so important!! However, I know at times, I have used our son as an excuse not to follow my dreams. I've run a story that, 'he needs me' and all my energy must go toward giving to him. I know in my being that the greatest gift I can give him is to share my dreams and my creativity. To model what it looks like to create for myself and to feel passionate about my dreams!! To show him that he doesn't need me to create his dreams for him, that he is a powerful creator and has the support of the universe, not just his family. I know that life will support us if we are willing to let go of our expectations on how it 'should' support us. My greatest growth and learnings have been experienced through my past health challenges and they have, if anything created a greater determination to create my heart's deepest desires. I feel that joy is in the dreaming and freeing ourselves and our children from the expectation that they are responsible for our creations and we are responsible for theirs. Sending you heaps of joy and love xx


I love helping people to find/step onto their path!! Perhaps this is because I spent a few years completely off my path. I had stopped valuing ME and instead sought to please others, all to the detriment of my health. Looking back, I felt so much discomfort in my body during those years but I chose to ignore it. It eventually manifested in Chronic Fatigue for 8 long years!! I buried all of my feelings deep down so they couldn't be felt until I felt nothing/numb. It felt easier/safer not to confront what I was feeling. My greatest fear was that if I spoke up and shared authentically that I would lose love!! One of the most important lessons I have learnt from this is to always speak up in your relationship/partnership. I share everything with my husband: feelings, ideas, fears, insecurities, frustrations, when I'm not feeling valued or I'm not valuing myself, my excitements, what I need etc!! Opening up/speaking up and "leaning into discomfort" (Brené Brown) has always created a much closer connection!! Sending you so much love and joy xx


I am so passionate about creating a happy, healthy and authentic home. I have held the space with my husband for many years now about my desire to create a conscious home, with warm, loving connections and where we are accountable, take responsibility and authentically share. Therefore, I was so inspired the other night, when my husband authentically shared with me (I was in a funky space with technology!), “I know and see you in these spaces. You are pulling on me right now and wanting me to fix this for you”. In the past, I would have defended, however, I was so grateful for his set of eyes on me. My response was, “You are so right. Please hold the belief for me that I can do this and that this laptop is my friend!!” How many times do we automatically step in to fix something with our loved ones, instead of empowering them with our belief, that they have it within themselves to create their own magic?? Joy is in holding the belief for yourself and others that you can create your deepest desires. I can honestly say that we now live in a conscious home; I have held the belief that I could create this and drawn on my fierce, inner strength many times (Just ask my husband:))!! Sending you so much love and joy xx


Joy is in realising a dream... My heart feels so full today!! A few years ago I set out to offer 8 sufferers of Chronic Fatigue/ME free appts for 6-8weeks. I had a dream to essentially give them hope and to use the tools/system with them that healed me from it (so much gratitude to Jules O'Neill and her creation: Body Consciousness). I have very recently heard back from one of my much loved participants in the UK who was part of this program and she shared with me her incredibly inspiring story. She has fully recovered from CF before her 20th year of suffering with it. It is a wonderful reminder to NEVER underestimate the power, strength and determination of the human spirit!! Her words, "I know that without being part of your case study that I wouldn't be where I am today. You've played such a big part in my recovery, and once it began, it was always inevitable that I would recover. Thank you so much for including me in the study, it has truly changed my life, and I would go as far to say, saved my life". Thank you special soul for sharing this with me!! Hearing about your recovery has filled me with SO much joy!! Xx


Joy is in celebrating the power of women!! I always knew women were strong, but after having a baby, I realised how innately and incredibly generous and giving women are. I remember for the first few months after our son arrived, grieving terribly for the loss of myself. I couldn’t find or feel who I essentially was. My life was devoted to giving wholeheartedly to my son; I was a mother now. Where had I gone? I struggled to find the words to communicate to my husband how I felt. However, I reached a pivotal point, where I realised, I hadn’t gone anywhere – if anything, I had transformed into a female warrior, determined more than ever before to contribute to our planet. A planet where our children are always encouraged to choose love over fear. A planet where we are encouraged to step out onto our path and share our very own special gift within us with everyone! A planet where we are encouraged to embrace our innate strength, personal power and potential! It is NEVER too late to step out onto the path that excites you and fills you with LOVE every time you think about it. Love always attracts more love xx