I know that the path to joy is authenticity, truth and accountability and I am choosing to share with you something, which definitely makes me feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. I have for many years had an expectation on my husband to make me happy. I have compared him to my father, brother, other men and I wonder how he has not buckled under the weight of my expectation. I have also felt that I was responsible for his happiness. I really believe that we all can place a tremendous amount of expectation on our partners, children, friends, careers and businesses to make us feel loved and happy. I have wanted my dream house, a luxurious holiday, expensive nights out and much more and wondered when I received these things, why I didn’t suddenly feel joy!!?? My joy has now come in the following: close connections with family and friends, affection (cuddles), watching my son play, help in the home from my husband, colouring in mandalas, nature walks on my own, sitting in our hammock on the veranda, time together as a family etc. One can never put a price on love: this is the value and quality that fills me up!! I would encourage everyone to voice to all of your loved ones, “I free you from my expectations… I am responsible for my own happiness. You do not need to do or be anything other than who you are. You are enough and I am enough”. Feel free to also share in the comments below where you may have placed expectation on someone or something. Sending you all so much love and joy xx


Fiji = JOY ❤❤ Every time I have visited Fiji I have experienced a profound shift in my thinking!! This last trip wasn't any different!! It is a country that really lives by the idea that "it takes a village to raise a child" and children are so celebrated!! Our 16 month old son was showered in love by every Fijian that we came across: his cheeks were squeezed and kissed, he was constantly cuddled, so much joy was derived from the Fijians who could win a smile from him, men from building sites were yelling out 'Bula' and all Fijians we passed on the streets shared their beautiful smiles with him. What would it take for us all to bestow such an abundance of love on ALL of our children: our future?? Now when I walk in the mornings, my intention is to offer a smile, a kind word, encouragement or to send all children/babies the thought that they are loved by one and all. May our children know and feel the depth of our love, may they receive and acknowledge all of their innate gifts, may they always know their value, may they always feel a deep sense of inner peace, happiness and joy in WHO they are. May they realise that they are never alone ❤❤❤ Sending you all so much love and joy xx


Who would've thought being organised could give me such a feeling of joy??!! To be honest, I've been a 'fly by the seat of my pants' kind of girl for quite some time but I have to admit that this way of living hadn't been serving me/us since the arrival of our son!! So when my husband had quietly made a comment about my organisational skills (lack of) my ego took over!! In a loud, loud, loud voice in my head it told me to quickly defend and protect myself at all costs!! However, I cast the ego aside, took a deep breath and said, "Okay hunni, I am really willing to hear what it is you're seeing, but more importantly I'm open (deep breath) to receive your ideas on creating a solution. Our home is now organised, which means so much more time for this fiercely independent soul!! I am so grateful that I received the gift of my husband's amazing organisational skills, rather than protect out of fear of criticism!! Sending you all so much love and joy xx


To be honest, there have been times when I've felt exhausted, drained and frustrated in my marriage and I've blamed my husband!! There are times when I've lived in reactive behaviours like blame, control and my past favourite was the silent treatment!! Yes I have imperfections, but that's okay!! I think that as women we can sometimes underestimate our own inner strength, capabilities and power to create for ourself!! I certainly realised my inner strength after birthing a baby... now if you've birthed one baby and gone back for more that makes you superhuman, invincible and you definitely have super powers!! I believe these reactive behaviours find us when we are out of alignment with WHO we are. A question that Lyell and I ask each other when we are in these spaces is: "What do you need to give yourself right now??" My answer usually revolves around needing time to myself. However, if we're not sure what it is, we have an amazing tool that we use everyday in our home, Body Consciousness/Women's Wisdom, which was created by Jules O'Neill. This is a system, which has helped us receive clarity on who we are, what we love and what we need in order to thrive as individuals and as a family. I believe the clearer we are on what it is that we love to give ourselves, the more joy we experience!! Sending you heaps of joy and love xx


Stepping outside of one's comfort zone can be terrifying, however it can also be incredibly exhilarating!! A few years ago, when I was asked by people what I did as a profession, I would always answer with, 'High School Teacher'. However, to be honest, I was hiding; I was teaching part time and healing part time with a system I so loved and still love, called Body Consciousness (Jules O'Neill). It felt safer to hide my true passion, than face questions about something that may not be considered mainstream. I really believe that owning who we are and what we love, is one of the bravest and most courageous things we can do!! So in 2016, when I'm asked about what I do as a profession I will confidently answer, "I am an incredibly passionate mother AND joyful energy healer (or a 'pathfinder' as my husband affectionately calls me because I LOVE helping people on their path!!). This is a joy for me!! What will you confidently proclaim you love, to all that you connect with in 2016?? Sending you heaps of love and joy xx